Kaiser International Healthgroup, Inc.

Kaiser International Health Group Inc. is registered as a health care provider. Kaiser is far more than an HMO. While most HMOs cater to both group and individual accounts, Kaiser's product is geared to address the long-term health care needs of individuals especially after their employment and retirement years.

There are 3 Kinds of Healthcare

Short Term Care

This is an annual healthcare plan we pay for until age 60, whether used or not. It covers check-ups and hospital expenses. Unused benefits don't carry over. If employed, your company covers it while working, but not after resigning or retiring.

Question: Do serious illnesses usually occur in childhood or as we age?

Long Term Care

This is the healthcare you can begin when you're young, between 10 and 60 years old.

It's the most affordable option because you only pay for seven (7) years, yet you're covered until your senior years.

Senior Care

This is the yearly healthcare plan designed for individuals aged 60 and above.

Because healthcare providers understand that seniors may require more medical attention, this plan tends to be more costly.

The Ultimate Kaiser Health Builder Plan

We at IMG recommends this plan because it is a complete financial solution. There is 3 features in 1 plan: It has Healthcare: in case you get sick, Life Insurance: in case you die too soon your family is safe from financial losses and last but not the least, it also act as an Investment: where your money grows and can be used as your retirement fund.

1. Healthcare

Short-Term and Long-Term Healthcare.

Whether we fall ill now or in our senior years, we can utilize Kaiser at all accredited clinics and hospitals across the country.

2. Life Insurance

We have Life and Accidental Insurance coverage for 20 years in case of unexpected death.

If the insured person passes away within the first 7 years of payment:

  1. The remaining payments are waived.
  2. Beneficiaries receive the insurance proceeds.
  3. The policy transfers to Beneficiary #1, who becomes the new owner with access to all investment and healthcare benefits without further payments.

3. Investment

This unique Healthcare Plan provides rewards for staying healthy. The healthier we are, the more our INVESTMENT GROWS.

After 20 years, when the plan matures, we have the option to withdraw the funds or let them continue growing for our long-term healthcare needs or as a source of Retirement Fund (Passive Income).

Ultimate Kaiser Presentation

Ultimate Kaiser Health Builder

The Ultimate Kaiser Health Builder Plan is a healthcare plan that allows one to control his own health and provide for his own future. Kaiser International Healthgroup, Inc. is an actuarially-sound, product-based business. It brings together the best features of an HMO, Health Savings Plan, and a financial investment.